

What happens when an obese woman conceives and has a pregnancy? Does obesity affect the pregnancy outcome?

A woman who is obese, in other words, has a BMI of more than 30 has a higher chance of having a miscarriage, otherwise known as abortion when compared to a woman with a normal BMI. The 2nd thing is they are at a higher risk of diabetes during pregnancy which is also known as

What happens when an obese woman conceives and has a pregnancy? Does obesity affect the pregnancy outcome? Read More »


when a couple comes to the clinic, why do they check the height and weight of both?

If we check the weight of a woman, say somebody has a weight of 70 KGs and a height of 5′-10″. Another woman who is also 70 KGs but only 5′-2″ in height. There is a significant difference between both of them though the weight is the same. Because of this, the scientific community has

when a couple comes to the clinic, why do they check the height and weight of both? Read More »

What is the chance of getting pregnant after one single ectopic pregnancy?

About 50% to 60% of women conceive spontaneously after one single ectopic pregnancy and the remaining 40 to 50% might need some form of assisted reproduction which is based on the other co-factors that exist and your age by the time you are planning a 2nd pregnancy. One of the fascinating aspects of ectopic pregnancy

What is the chance of getting pregnant after one single ectopic pregnancy? Read More »


Doctor what are my chances of pregnancy after an ectopic? Any chances of getting an ectopic pregnancy again?

In a woman with a previous ectopic pregnancy, there is always a risk for repeated ectopic pregnancy though the chances vary depending on the age of the woman and the condition of the fallopian tubes. The possibility can be between 5 to 20%. So when you conceive next time with a previous ectopic pregnancy, meet

Doctor what are my chances of pregnancy after an ectopic? Any chances of getting an ectopic pregnancy again? Read More »

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