
Uterine Septal Resection

A septate uterus is believed to be the most common type of abnormal uterine development. It does not typically affect a woman’s ability to conceive, but it does significantly increase their risk of a miscarriage. Women with septate uteri can have recurrent miscarriages, premature labor, or breech presentation which usually requires a Caesarean section.

The presence of a septate uterus decreased the pregnancy rate and increased the abortion rate after embryo transfers for IVF/ICSI.

Hysteroscopic septum resection in women of reproductive age with a septate uterus is performed worldwide to improve reproductive outcomes.

Patients are advised to have an ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic examination after 3 to 4 months to confirm surgical outcomes and evaluate the presence of residual uterine septa or intrauterine adhesions.

Uterine Septal Resection
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