Pre-IVF Hysteroscopy

Pre IVF Hysteroscopy is a daycare endoscopy procedure done before starting IVF injections. It is done to visualize the inside of the uterine cavity where the embryo implants. It allows the diagnosis of intrauterine pathology and serves as a method for surgical intervention. It has long been known that intrauterine pathologies can affect pregnancy rates in women undergoing IVF. Currently, it is recommended to examine intrauterine pathologies before starting IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) since it provides the opportunity to perform therapy in the same setting such as removing endometrial polyps, submucosal fibroids, or uterine neoplasms by excision or endometrial curettage. Some studies have shown that pre-IVF hysteroscopy improved the implantation rate and clinical pregnancy rates. Researchers have found a connection between polyps and infertility. 

Pre-IVF Hysteroscopy

The location of the polyps could be preventing the embryo from implanting in the uterus. These growths can block the cervical canal and even prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg. When doctors decide to remove the polyps, there is an increase in the success rate of natural pregnancy. There is also a 35% increase in the success of assisted reproductive technology like IVF. Hysteroscopy could be seen as a positive prognostic factor for achieving a subsequent IVF pregnancy in women.

Before IVF Hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy procedure
Hysteroscopy before IVF
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