Male Infertility Workup

Male Infertility Workup

Male Infertility Workup is very essential because most infertility treatments fail if male workup is not given the importance and attention that is required.

Krishna IVF Clinic is known for its expertise in male infertility workup as well as male infertility treatments especially under expert guidance of Dr. G. A. Rama Raju, Founder & Director of Krishna IVF Clinic and also an Internationally recognized researcher in the field of reproductive medicine.

Male infertility workup here ideally begins with a detailed history, thorough analysis of previous reports and male physical examination followed by necessary basic investigations like semen analysis.

male infertility

Semen Analysis is done by Sperm Class Analyzer at Krishna IVF Clinic Andrology lab. Computer-aided sperm analysis reports are also validated by External Quality Control Certification.

Based on the abnormalities in sperm count, motility and morphology, other investigations like male hormone tests are done.

Scrotal 3D/4D ultrasound examination and Scrotal Doppler study services are also available. They are done only for specific, indicated cases.

Cytogenetic and Molecular Genetics lab at Krishna IVF Clinic provides services like karyotyping, Y chromosome microdeletion and Cftr gene testing.

This step wise workup is designed to ensure correct diagnosis and appropriate customized treatments.

Vitrification or sperm freezing will be done after proper documentation, following the rules and regulations.

Infection screening is done as advanced male infertility workup in selected cases.

Advanced research done at Krishna IVF Clinic aims at diagnosing and treating male infertility effectively.

For those men presenting with azoospermia or no sperms in the semen analysis report, testicular biopsy is done to give the couple a chance to have their own genetic children.

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