Fertility Preservation in Men

Cancer and its treatments pose significant challenges to various aspects of health, including male fertility. The adverse effects of oncologic therapies on male reproductive potential are a critical concern, often resulting in permanent infertility. Over the past two decades, fertility preservation has become a crucial aspect of survivorship, prompting numerous professional societies to advocate for its integration as a routine component of oncologic care.

                                                                                                             – Dr. G. A. Ramaraju DNB PhD, Consultant Krishna IVF Clinic

Cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation, can severely impair spermatogenesis, the process of sperm production. These therapies can damage the DNA of spermatogonic stem cells or disrupt the intricate hormonal balance necessary for sperm production. As a result, many men who undergo cancer treatment face a significant risk of infertility. This risk varies depending on the type and intensity of the treatment and the patient’s age and baseline fertility status.

The need for fertility preservation is increasingly recognized, and various strategies have been developed to address this challenge. For most male cancer patients, the collection and cryopreservation of semen prior to starting treatment is the most straightforward method.


This approach, however, requires that the patient be able to produce an ejaculate with viable sperm, which is not always possible. Factors such as the patient’s age, the type of cancer, and the stage of treatment can all impact the ability to provide a semen specimen.

When ejaculated semen is not an option, alternative methods of sperm procurement are available. These include testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA). These techniques involve retrieving sperm directly from the testicles or epididymis, often under general anesthesia. While these methods can be effective, they are more invasive and may not be suitable or available for all patients.

One of the most significant challenges in the field of fertility preservation is providing options for prepubertal boys and men who lack sperm production. These individuals cannot benefit from the standard semen cryopreservation or surgical sperm retrieval methods. For them, emerging experimental and investigational approaches offer a glimmer of hope. These include techniques like spermatogonial stem cell transplantation and in vitro gametogenesis. Although still in the research phase, these innovative methods have the potential to revolutionize fertility preservation for this vulnerable group.

In addition to technical challenges, there are psychological, ethical, and financial considerations in fertility preservation. Patients and their families must make quick decisions amidst the stress of a cancer diagnosis. Ethical dilemmas arise, particularly in the case of prepubertal patients, regarding consent and the future use of preserved gametes. Furthermore, the financial burden of fertility preservation, which is often not covered by insurance, can be significant.

Despite these challenges, the importance of addressing fertility issues in cancer patients is increasingly recognized. Professional guidelines now recommend discussing fertility preservation with all patients of reproductive age before starting cancer treatment. This conversation should be an integral part of the care plan, providing patients with comprehensive information about their options and the potential impact of treatment on fertility.

Healthcare providers play a crucial role in this process. They should be knowledgeable about the risks of infertility associated with various cancer treatments and the available fertility preservation options. Collaboration between oncologists, urologists, reproductive specialists, and patient support groups is essential to provide the best possible care.

In conclusion, the adverse effects of cancer and oncologic therapies on male reproductive health are a significant concern. Fertility preservation has emerged as a key aspect of survivorship care over the past two decades. While many male cancer patients can preserve fertility through semen cryopreservation, alternative methods are necessary for those who cannot provide a sufficient sample. The challenge remains particularly acute for prepubertal boys and men without sperm production, for whom experimental and investigational methods offer future hope. As the field continues to evolve, the integration of fertility preservation into routine oncologic care is essential, ensuring that patients are fully informed and supported in making decisions about their reproductive future.

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